
Electric Beta II Patch

To follow up the discovery of the performance bug on Friday, a patch has been released for Beta II which fixes the slow, inconsistent speed that was plaguing Electric ever since controller support was added.

This patch does NOT include any other changes or enhancements that have been added in the development branch since B2 was released. We just thought it would be nice to give B2 a chance to provide its original feature set at full speed, so it was mainly done for historical purposes. However, if you’re forced into running B1.1 due to performance issues, you may now finally upgrade to B2.1 without experiencing any meaningful speed drops!


Good news

Ever since I added support for game controllers, Electric has had horrible frame rate problems; on the Asus Transformer I’ve been using, I have been consistently getting frame rates below 20 frames per second.  WELL.  Earlier tonight I fixed the problem!  I had been trying different things to optimize it for months* with little impact before I finally figured it out.  It was trying to load the controller every frame, even though it was already loaded before the game starts.  I made a goof when trying to optimize controller inputs.  I deleted the erroneous line, and all is well.

RC1 will be out soon (Valve time – trends suggest that school causes a dramatic decrease in productivity).

*Months of school time is more like weeks/2 of summer time.