
Status of Electric

We are quickly nearing the end of the road of development for Electric. It’s exciting to think about releasing our first game to the public, and to know that we’ve actually finally finished something we have started!

Originally, we had only planned a single release candidate. However, after so many bugfixes, small tweaks that individually seemed insignificant here and there, and a fundamental update to the build tool (switched from SDL to OpenGL), the first RC no longer represented the final state of the game. That’s obviously not the point of an RC. Because of this, we will soon be publishing a second release candidate on this site which should have zero user-facing discrepancies from the eventual release aside from small code cleanups, error catching, and commenting.

Because of this, Electric RC1 will be opened for general download with no more requirement of having an account on our site (the non-committal rejoice!).

Now I feel that I have the obligation of giving an estimated release date. I can’t be sure, as we will do as so many others do and say that it will be done when it’s done and when we feel that it’s stable enough to release. Having said that, if I were to provide a ballpark estimate, I’d say that RC2 will show up the first weekend of May (1st – 3rd) +/- 1 week. Likewise, the final release should come out the first weekend of June (5-7) +/- 2 weeks. As an early treat, RC1 will be opened up for non-committal download on April 18th.

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