
Electric Beta II Patch

To follow up the discovery of the performance bug on Friday, a patch has been released for Beta II which fixes the slow, inconsistent speed that was plaguing Electric ever since controller support was added.

This patch does NOT include any other changes or enhancements that have been added in the development branch since B2 was released. We just thought it would be nice to give B2 a chance to provide its original feature set at full speed, so it was mainly done for historical purposes. However, if you’re forced into running B1.1 due to performance issues, you may now finally upgrade to B2.1 without experiencing any meaningful speed drops!

This bug is what has caused much silence in the past months on this site since it has been very much a show stopper and we didn’t have much to show in the way of progress, so it’s quite exciting to get it out of the way.

The patch may be downloaded here or on the downloads page. Please take care to note that just like the Beta 1.1 patch, this requires Beta 2 to be installed first, as the patch contains no content other than the executable, meaning that if only the patch is installed with no base, the game will not run.

Beta 2 got patched to make it go fast. Install it over Beta 2.